
School Management System

School Management System is the most complete and versatile school management system on HW InfoTech. It provides the most advanced backend erp with a frontend school website.

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Online School Management System for Enhanced Productivity

Online School Management System is the most complete and versatile school management system on HW InfoTech. It provides the most advanced backend erp with a frontend school website. This student management system іѕ аn аррlісаtіоn-bаѕеd сhіld саrе mаnаgеmеnt platform thаt еnаblеѕ раrеntѕ tо experience thеіr child’s іnіtіаl learning journey іn rеаl tіmе thrоugh a lіvе fееd оf рhоtоѕ, videos, аnd асtіvіtіеѕ. Wіth thе automation оf thе telephone directory аnd раrtісіраtіоn, аѕ wеll аѕ lіѕtѕ, rероrtѕ, рауrоll, іnvоісеѕ, рауmеntѕ аnd humаn rеѕоurсеѕ, thе platform аlѕо rеduсеѕ thе administrative burden оf educators, frееіng thеm tо focus оn tеасhіng.

 ERP for smooth Online Management System

  • Community – Online School Management System ERP composed оf ѕеvеrаl mоdulеѕ аnd tоgеthеr асhіеvеѕ a соmmоn task thаt іѕ to store, manage, рrосеѕѕ аnd retrieve information
  • Integrity – Thе ѕuссеѕѕ оf аnу CRM software dереndѕ оn thе integrity оf thе data. Our online School Mаnаgеmеnt System рrоvіdеѕ ассurаtе dаtа accurately.
  • Rеѕресt – Wе rеѕресt thе rеquіrеmеntѕ оf оur сuѕtоmеrѕ ѕо thаt wе саn design аnd dеvеlор оur School ERP System wіth ѕесurіtу аnd ѕсаlаbіlіtу. Uѕеrѕ саn аdd, update, аnd delete funсtіоnаlіtу bаѕеd оn thеіr rеquіrеmеntѕ.
  • Responsibility – Aѕ a соmраnу responsible fоr ѕоftwаrе development, Our teachers and student management Sуѕtеm іѕ hіghlу ѕесurе аnd саn bе ассеѕѕеd bу аuthоrіzеd аnd аuthеntісаtеd uѕеrѕ frоm аnуwhеrе іn thе wоrld.


Backend ERP Features of Online School Management System


  • Student admission system

    • Fully functional and automated admission form for student enrolment
    • Enroll students in a specific class for a certain session
  • Bulk import of students

    • Import as many students as you want using CSV file
  • Class management with multiple sections

    • Add sections to a class
    • Ability to assign a teacher to a section
    • Multiple sections of a certain class
  • Class-wise subject management

    • Add subjects for each class separately
    • Assign a teacher for a subject
  • Class routine or class schedule

    • Manage class timetables section-wise
    • Change timetable when required
  • Student promotion

    • Promote a student from one class to another
    • Ability to choose which students get promoted and who are not
    • Promote students to a new academic session
    • Ability to have a look at student’s results while promoting
  • Students’ daily attendance

    • Take attendance of students daily
    • Keep track if students are absent
  • Students’ attendance report

    • Get a well-defined attendance report for all students of a certain class for a certain month
    • Ability to print the attendance report
  • Exam management

    • Specify exam dates
    • Add or remove any exam anytime you need
  • Exam evaluations or marks management

    • Evaluate or put exam marks for each student subject wise
    • Compare students’ marks
    • Print student mark sheet
  • Students’ tabulation sheet

    • Get a report of marks of all students for a certain class for a specific exam
    • Printing option of that tabulation sheet of students’ marks
  • Question papers for students

    • Ability to upload question papers for students
  • Study materials for student

    • Ability to upload study materials
    • Study materials can be class specific
    • Students can download the materials anytime they need
  • Library Automation in Online School Management

    • Organize books class-wise
    • Students can issue the books they need
    • Librarian can keep track of the books issued
  • Transportation management

    • Add transport for your school
    • Ability to attach students to a transport service
  • Dorms management

    • Ability to manage school dorms
    • Assign students to specific dorm
  • Students’ fees management

    • Create a single invoice for student fees
    • Mass invoice generation for convenience
    • Ability to take multiple payments under a single invoice
    • Payments can be taken both online or manually
  • Online payments management

    • Take student fees via PayPal
    • Take fees via Payumoney
  • SMS gateways

    • MSG91, Twillio and Clickatell APIs are integrated
    • Choose any one of them according to your need
    • Ability to disable SMS services
  • Private messaging

    • Contact any user with private messages
    • Receiver gets notified with email notification
  • Academic year or session handling

    • Keep your school records year-wise
    • Ability to select academic sessions
    • Ability to see previous session data
  • Management of teachers

    • Add/edit/delete teachers anytime you need
    • Assign a teacher to specific class or section
    • Assign a teacher to specific subject
  • Easy Accounting with online School Management Software

    • Create payment invoices
    • Create mass invoices for a particular class
    • Students’ payment history
  • Expense management

    • Add school expenses
    • Keep track of expenses
    • Set separate category for school expenses
  • Parents Data Management

    • Add/edit/delete parents
    • Assign parents to the student
    • A parent can be associated with multiple children
  • Library Management

    • Separate user account for library management
    • Responsible for issuing of books
  • Accountants
    • Separate user account for managing school fees
    • Can also manage school expenses
    • Can keep track of unpaid student fee invoices
  • Universal notice board

    • Add announcements or important notices for all users
    • Notices are shown on each user’s dashboard on a calendar
  • Multi-language and rtl support

    • Supports over 20 languages
    • Ability to add language
    • Ability to modify any phrase according to your need
  • Multiple color scheme option for backend

    • Change the look and feel by changing color schemes from system settings
  • Customization of school information

    • Change school name and other information from system settings
  • Multiple payment gateways
    • Take online payment via PayPal
    • Take online payment via Payumoney
  • Multiple SMS gateways
    • Multiple SMS gateways integrated
    • Choose among MSG91, Twillio or Clickatell
  • One click updater
    • Fully automatic updater for the script
    • Update your application without loosing any data
  • Password reset option
  • School Logo customization
  • Frontend school website management panel
    • Homepage slider settings
      • Ability to add three slider images with title and description for the school website’s main slider
    • Events management
      • Ability to create events that will show on website
      • Ability to hide/show on school website
    • Notice board
      • The notice board of the school website is fetched from the backend erp noticeboard module
    • School Gallery
      • Ability to create Gallery for specific event
      • Ability to add any number of images inside a gallery
      • Ability to choose if the gallery will be shown on website or not
    • Teacher profiles
      • Teachers are fetched from teacher module
      • Ability to select which teacher will be shown on website
    • Frontend settings
      • Modify contact information
      • Modify header title
      • Modify footer elements
      • Upload separate logo for header and footer
      • Ability to add social network links of your school
      • Ability to add geo-location for maps
    • Frontend School website theme management

    • Installer
      • For fresh setup of the application, an easier method is implemented via an auto installer
      • Step by step guidance about installation process

      Frontend Modules of Online School Management System

  • Notice board

    • The notices from backend erp
  • Event List

    • The events that are created by admin from frontend settings
  • School Gallery

    • The galleries with images which are allowed by admin to show on the website
  • Admission form

    • A simple admission form for offline/manual admission
  • Teacher Profile management

    • Teacher profiles with their contact info
  • Contact Page management

    • Page for viewers from where they can contact the school administration

Common Capabilities Of School Management Software

We all have a need for a School management software which can manage Schools for us. It is beneficial to have this software because it will assist you to ensure that your School is completed according to schedule and budget. It will also help you in the planning stages so that you will be able to get it done the right way, in a timely manner. With the use of School Management System, you will not have to worry about anything as it will be in charge of everything, from tasks to tracking.

School Management Software For Small To Large Businesses.

For the preparation and execution phases of the School, a School management system will take care of all the important tasks such as planning, identifying the School goals, submitting the scope, and lastly reviewing the status of the School progress. For the website development stage, the School management software will take charge of all the tasks involved in developing the School. It will also provide you with the information on the activity and tasks involved in making changes and improvements in the School. When we talk about the planning stages, the School management software will serve you well in planning the School and help you in making decisions on what to do. It is good for helping you make sound decisions when working on a School.

Deployment Options For School Management system

The ability of the School management system is to monitor the progress of the School and keep track of all the essential activities. You will be able to gain insights and knowledge on the School. You will be able to find out what needs to be done and how to achieve those things. The application of the School management software can help you in finding out the root cause of the School and then finding the best solution to the problem that was caused by it. This will enable you to avoid making the same mistake again. So get a School management software and manage your Schools properly.

Why Choose Hwinfotech For School Management Software?

HwInfotech is one of the biggest School Management Software provider of the market where you can get 500+ clone scripts. The best thing about HwInfotech is that we have the best developing team for customizing your product as per your requirements. This company is a one-stop solution for all of the problems like website design service, Digital Marketing Services, Mobile Application Development Services. I would strongly recommend you to send the demo request or you can chat with our representative on the website of HwInfotech so that you can understand how a legitimate company works for their valuable clients.

Contact HW Infotech And Get Best Class School Management Software

We are living in a technologically advanced era where all the sectors are getting modernized with the new software called a school ERP system. This software is making the administration hassle-free, and along with this, it also improves the efficiency and productivity of the organization staff's. HW Infotech provides the best class school management software, which makes the work smoother than ever.

A school management system is one of the software which is mainly designed to automate and simplify all the work of the school like from making online admission, daily attendance, assigning homework to the students, examination management, timetable management, finance and payroll management.  Thus it is one of the essential software, and at HW Infotech, we understand this, therefore, offer the best and innovative school management system script.

HW Infotech is staffed with the well- trained and experienced professional who sweats more to developed technologically and user-friendly software. e School management system developed by HW Infotech is integrated with the advance the new technology so that it can improve the productivity of the organization. Our designer and developer do proper research and comes with innovative and creative ideas to integrate the best ERP school management software.

Some Features Of Best Class School Management Software

Although it could have various features here, we have listed some of the crucial elements of the e-school management system. These are:

Can Store Complete Information Of Students

You can store all the information about a student like attendance, homework, discipline, grades, and achievements, and others. Thus the teacher can access the student database to avail necessary information about the students like grades, attendance, and others. School management software designed and developed by HW Infotech also enables the organization to store additional information about the students like medical history, accounts, billing, etc. 

Parent Information

All the institute must establish a good relationship with the parents so that both the parents and teacher can make the students successful. And the best class school management system makes the job easy. Because with the help of the parent portal and school app, now parents can easily access their child academic activities.

Teacher Information

With the help of the school information management system, an organization not only can avail the student's information, but they can also store teachers information. Storing various teacher information helps the administration to find out the class schedule, file reports efficiency and different other details.

This process not only beneficial for the school administration and management team but also essential for the teacher as with the help of online school management software they can keep the details regarding class timing, student progress and classroom activities at one place.

Attendance and Timetable Management

This is one of the essential tasks of the administration's team, and its absence of online school management software attendance of the student is taken by the teachers which requires small chunks of time of the teachers at the beginning of each class. And sometimes it becomes difficult for the teachers to manage the whole process of taking attendance and recording them accurately. But now attendance management is not longer burden with the help of the school management software online it can be managed very quickly and smoothly. 

Teachers can now easily record the student's attendance without any error using school management system website. And also share these record with their parents within a short time. With the help of this advance and innovative software, timetable management for school also become much more comfortable than ever. 

Report Cards Management

A report card represents the hard of the student throughout the whole year. However, both teachers and administration can find it as a time-consuming process. But with the help of the best class school management software, this work can be made easier and smoother.


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Product engineering- Clone Script

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