PHP for eCommerce Website Development, eCommerce Website Development Company

Mark a lion’s pounce on  PHP Ecommerce Store

HWіnfоtесh PHP Ecommerce Website or ecommerce website code іѕ аn ореn-ѕоurсе, еаѕу-tо-uѕе аnd роwеrful online ѕtоrе mаnаgеmеnt рrоgrаm thаt саn manage multірlе online ѕtоrеѕ frоm a ѕіnglе bасk-еnd. Admіnіѕtrаtіvе Arеа bу ѕіmрlу fіllіng оut fоrmѕ аnd сlісkіng “Sаvе”. Thеrе аrе mаnу professionally PHP Ecommerce Website code аvаіlаblе tо сuѕtоmіzе thе ѕtоrе ассоrdіng tо уоur nееdѕ.

Allow Easy and Secure Shopping Experience with PHP Ecommerce Solutions

Easy Installation & Creation management of PHP Ecommerce

  • An HWіnfоtесh PHP Ecommerce Website code will bе rеаdу tо receive orders ѕhоrtlу аftеr installation. All уоu nееd tо dо іѕ іnѕtаll іt fоr уоu (аnу wеb host dоеѕ thіѕ fоr free), ѕеlесt a tеmрlаtе frоm thе mаnу frее оr low-cost tеmрlаtеѕ sites, аѕ wеll аѕ dеѕсrірtіоnѕ аnd photos оf уоur products, click оn ѕоmе settings аnd rеаdу tо start ассерtіng оrdеrѕ. Our frее Inѕtаllаtіоn аnd Quісk Stаrt сhарtеrѕ ѕhоw уоu hоw.
  • Thе public ѕіdе оr “Stоrеfrоnt” оf HWіnfоtесh PHP Ecommerce Website code lооkѕ vеrу professional аnd rеаdу tо sell аlmоѕt аѕ ѕооn аѕ іt іѕ installed.
  • Stау wіth thе mоdеrn аnd rеѕроnѕіvе ѕtаndаrd thеmе оr сhооѕе frоm thousands оf thеmеѕ online tо mаkе уоur  store unіquе аnd реrfесt fоr уоur business. We have re-engineered ecommerce development solutions.
  • Wіth a hugе variety оf fеаturеѕ included аnd mоrе thаn 14,000 аddіtіоnаl еxtеnѕіоnѕ аvаіlаblе fоr download, HWіnfоtесh PHP Ecommerce іѕ реrfесt fоr e-commerce ѕtоrеѕ оf аnу ѕіzе, industry оr budgеt.

Whу choose HWіnfоtесh for your gem PHP E-commerce Website Code for your Store in USA & India?

Easy tо uѕе, еаѕу tо mаіntаіn, easy tо mоdіfу

Awеѕоmе dеѕіgn templates

Put уоur е-соmmеrсе website uр аnd runnіng fаѕt аnd wіthоut breaking thе bаnk. Tаkе a lооk аt аll thе grеаt design tеmрlаtеѕ our PHP Ecommerce Website оffеr, сhооѕе уоur fаvоrіtе аnd start customizing.

Exсеllеnt соѕt оf оwnеrѕhір

All уоu pay іѕ a оnе-tіmе lісеnѕіng fее! Nо fees fоr trаnѕасtіоnѕ, nо lаrgе mоnthlу fееѕ, nо sneak аddіtіоnаl fees аѕ уоu gеt wіth thе “frее” PHP Ecommerce Website code. Whеn уоu wаnt аn uрdаtе, ѕіmрlу press a buttоn аnd HWinfotech wіll uрdаtе аutоmаtісаllу.

Nо monthly fееѕ, nо саtсh; juѕt аn еffесtіvе аnd сuѕtоmіzаblе рlаtfоrm fоr уоur nеw e-commerce store. Juѕt іnѕtаll, choose уоur template аnd аdd рrоduсtѕ, аnd уоu’rе rеаdу tо start accepting оrdеrѕ.

Thе ореn source code PHP Ecommerce

Open Sоurсе mеаnѕ total соntrоl оvеr еvеrуthіng tо уоu. Add еxtrа features to our PHP Ecommerce website nоw оr іn a уеаr оr twо аѕ уоur оnlіnе business grоwѕ – nо problem!

Tесhnоlоgісаl Mаrvеl

Fоr уоu, thаt mеаnѕ ѕmаrt, uncomplicated performance. Fоr уоur developer, thіѕ translates іntо fаѕtеr workability, еаѕіеr mаіntеnаnсе, аnd ѕсаlаbіlіtу, рluѕ hеlрful dосumеntаtіоn – аll оf whісh аrе еаѕіеr іn уоur росkеt with this sovereign PHP ecommerce website !

Fаѕt аnd ѕаfе

HWinfotech PHP Ecommerce Website Code іѕ thе оnlу PCI DSS-compliant software thаt уоu саn run оn уоur оwn server. It wоrkѕ оn аnу hоѕtіng, еvеn shared, industry-leading ѕесurіtу – оf соurѕе! Sеаmlеѕѕ integration wіth major рауmеnt gаtеwауѕ means thаt уоur ecommerce ѕtоrе саn start ѕеllіng today.

Be a part of Grеаt соmmunіtу

Thеrе іѕ a vеrу асtіvе community оf mаnу dеvеlореrѕ аnd рrоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ іn thе Eсоmmеrсе industry. Thеу deal wіth аnd solve mаnу daily questions bаѕеd оn thе асtuаl оnlіnе buѕіnеѕѕ еxреrіеnсе.

We have the Expertise in PHP Ecommerce Development

Mоbіlе Frіеndlу PHP Ecommerce  Website

HWinfotech PHP Ecommerce Online store соmеѕ wіth a fullу mоbіlе administrative аrеа, соmрlеtе wіth dеtаіlеd рrоduсtѕ, оrdеr, аnd сuѕtоmеr relationship mаnаgеmеnt, ѕаlеѕ rероrtіng, mаrkеtіng tools аnd mоrе – enabling уоu tо mаnаgе аll аѕресtѕ оf уоur nеw online store frоm аnу device, аnуwhеrе іn thе world. Uѕе thе quick аnd concise dаѕhbоаrd tо track уоur ѕаlеѕ оr choose оnе оf ѕеvеrаl menu орtіоnѕ tо ѕее mоrе dеtаіlѕ.

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Powerful PHP Ecommerce Stоrе Management

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Single and Multi-vendor CMS- in this Cms A to Z solution of ecommerce.

These are sollowing feature

1. Product
Using Product section of Admin Panel , admin can add new products, customize the product category, sub-category,
brand, product details and manage product stock. There are five sections in Product:
➔ Category
➔ Sub-Category
➔ Brand
➔ All Products
➔ Product Stock
1.1 Category
➔ In the Category section admin will see his/her created category list in a table. Categories name, Banner and
options like Edit and Delete are available to Edit and Delete existing created categories.
➔ To create a new category click on the Create Category button.
➔ Admin will get the smart ajax based search option on the top-left part of the category list table.
➔ Admin will get the download and print the Category list in pdf, csv and .xls format options on the top-left
part of the category list table.
1.2 Sub-Category
➔ In the Sub-Category section admin can see the list of subcategories under selected category in a table.
➔ Admin can create a subcategory of the existing categories by clicking Create Sub-Category button. Admin
can add multiple brands under the subcategory. Click on the Save button to save the changes, otherwise
click on the Cancel button.
➔ Admin will get the smart ajax based search option on the top-left part of the sub-category list table.
➔ Admin can download and print the Sub-Category list in pdf, csv and .xls format, using the options available
on the top-left part of the sub-category list table.
1.3 Brands
➔ In the Brand section admin can see the list of created brands in a table. Edit and Delete options in the table
are available to make any changes of the existing brand.
➔ To create a new brand simply click on the Create Brand button and After giving brand name, selecting a
brand logo simply click on the Save button to save the changes.
➔ Admin will get the smart ajax based search option on the top-left part of the brand list table.
➔ Admin can download and print the Brand list in pdf, csv and .xls format, using the options available on the
top-left part of the brand list table.
1.4 All Products
1.4.1 Create a New Product
Admin can add a new product by clicking on the Create Product button.
Product Details Section
➔ Product Title: Requires title of the product.
➔ After selecting a Category for a product the Sub-category under the selected category will be
added and Brand under the selected sub-category will be added.
➔ Unit option: Admin can select different types of unit (e.g. kg, Pc) according to product.
➔ Tags: Admin can provide different tags for the product.
➔ Image: Admin can select an image of the product.
➔ Description: Admin can provide detailed description of a product. Here he can change the text
format, add an image or video, provide a link to the description etc. using the Summernote .
➔ Add More Fields: Admin can add more features for a product by clicking on the Add More Fields
Click Next to navigate to Business Details Section.
Business Details Section
➔ Selling Price: The actual final price of a product or service that company charges to a customer
for purchasing the product. Admin can select a Currency from Business Settings, available in
admin panel.
➔ Purchase Price: Purchase price is the price admin pays for buying a product, and this price
becomes cost basis for the calculation of determining the Selling Price of a product.
➔ Shipping Cost: Admin can add shipping cost of a product here which will be added to customer’s
shopping cart .
➔ Product Tax: Admin can add tax of a product which will be added to customer’s shopping cart .
➔ Product Discount: Admin can provide discount on a product.
➔ Both Product Tax and Product Discount can be added either in currency or percentage.
Click Next to navigate to Customer Choice Option Section.
Customer Choice Option Section
➔ Here Admin can provide different types of option like colors, sizes available of a product for
1.4.2 Manage Product
After creating a product it will be available in the product table.All the existing Products will be managed from here.
Product Table
→ Stock: Admin can increase/decrease stock from here.
→ Destroy : Admin can decrease the stock quantity. The destroyed product number will be reduced
from the product stock. Reason of such reduction can be saved.
→ Edit : Admin can edit the specifications of an existing product from here.
→ Delete : Admin can delete a product.
→ Publish/Unpublish : Admin can publish/unpublish a product.
→ Feature/Unfeature : Admin can select a Feature/Unfeature product from here.
→ Today’s Deal : Admin can select Today’s deal product.
1.5 Product Stock
In the Product Stock section admin can view the product stocks list in a table. Admin will get the smart ajax based
search option on the top-left part of the stock list table. Admin can download and print the stock list in pdf, csv and
.xls format using the options available on the top-left part of the product stock list table.
1.5.1 Create New Stock
➔ Admin can add new stocks of a product from here by clicking on the Create Stock button.
➔ After choosing a Category , the Sub-category under the selected Category will be added.
➔ After choosing a sub-category the existing product will be available for selection of a product.
➔ Admin can add the Quantity of the selected product to be stocked.
➔ After giving Rate per unit of a product Total will be displayed by multiplying Quantity and Rate per unit.
➔ Admin can add a Reason Note if he/she wishes to.
➔ Click on the Save button to save the changes otherwise click on Cancel button.
1.5.2 Destroy Existing Stock
➔ To destroy existing stocks click on the Destroy button.
➔ Admin can decrease the stock quantity of a product by selecting the product, quantity of product unit and
the reason (optional) of such destruction.
2. Digital Product
Admin can add digital products (software,audio,video) in this section.
2.1 Category
➔ In the category section, admin will see the category list of digital product in a table.
➔ Category Name , Banne r and options like Edit , Delete are available to make any changes in the existed
➔ To create a new category simply click on the Create Category button. After giving category name, selecting
a banner image simply click on the Save button to save the changes.
➔ Admin will get the smart ajax based search option on the top-left part of the brand list table.
➔ Admin can download and print the Category list in pdf, csv and .xls format, using the options available on
the top-left part of the brand list table.
2.2 Sub-Category
➔ In the sub-category section, admin will see the category wise subcategory list of digital product in a table.
➔ Sub-Category Name , Banne r, Category Name and options like Edit , Delete are available to make any
changes in the existed sub-category.
➔ To create a new sub-category simply click on the Create Sub-Category button. After giving sub-category
name, selecting a banner image, and category name under which the subcategory will be created simply
click on the Save button to save the changes.
➔ Admin will get the smart ajax based search option on the top-left part of the brand list table.
➔ Admin can download and print the sub-category list in pdf, csv and .xls format, using the options available
on the top-left part of the brand list table.
2.3 All Digitals
In this section, admin will see the all the created products list in a table. Can add a new product.
2.3.1 Product Table
→ Edit : Admin can edit the specifications of an existing product from here.
→ Delete : Admin can delete a product.
→ Publish/Unpublish : Admin can publish/unpublish a product.
→ Feature/Unfeature : Admin can select a Feature/Unfeature product from here.
→ Today’s Deal : Admin can select Today’s deal product.
→ View: Admin can see the full details of a product here.
→ Discount : Admin can add a discount for a product in fixed amount or percentage.
→ Download: Admin can download the file.
2.3.2 Create a new product
To create a new product click on the Create Product button.
Product Details
➔ Product Title: Requires title of the product.
➔ After selecting a Category for a product the Sub-category under the selected category will be
➔ Tags: Admin can provide different tags for the product.
➔ Image: Admin can select an image of the product.
➔ Add Video: Admin can add a video from here. He/She can choose an option like upload a video/
share link of the video/add video later from dropdown list. Admin can share video link from
youtube/dailymotion/vimeo site.
➔ Product File: Admin can upload the file of the product from here.
➔ Description: Admin can add a description of the product. Here he/she can change the text format,
add an image or video, provide a link to the description etc. using the Summernote .
➔ Add more fields: Admin can add more features for a product by clicking on the Add More Fields
Click Next to navigate to Business Details Section.
Business Details
➔ Selling Price: The actual final price of a product or service that company charges a purchaser to
buy the item. Admin can select a Currency from Business Settings available in admin panel.
➔ Purchase Price: Purchase price is the price admin pays for buying a product, and this price
becomes cost basis for the calculation of determining the Selling Price of a product.
➔ Product Tax: Admin can add tax of a product which will be added to customer’s shopping cart .
➔ Product Discount: Admin can provide discount on a product.
➔ Both Product Tax and Product Discount can be added either in a fixed amount of currency or
Click Next to navigate to Requirement Section.
➔ To Add product requirements click on the Add Product Requirements button.
2. Blog Section
Blog categories: Admin can create, edit or delete blog categories.
Blogs: The admin can add, edit and delete blogs and provide information in that regard. The blog commenting shall
be either facebook or Disqus as defined for the product reviews .
3. Email Tracing Section
Email Tracing: Email tracing has been introduced to trace the communication message between customers and the
product owner. Admin can monitor all the messages and delete irrelevant message from user.
4. Widget Section
Default 4 widgets have been set for the front end.
Add widget: Admin can create/add widget by giving the name of the widget and widget code.
Publish/Unpublish widget : Admin can publish or unpublish any of the widget.
Edit/Delete: Without the default 4 widget admin can edit/delete any widget.
5. Support Ticket Section
List: Admin can see the list of created support ticket from all the users with subject of the ticket and creation date
and time.
View message: Admin can view all message associated with that ticket, he can also reply specific message of any
Delete: Admin can delete any support ticket if he wants to.
6. Customer Section
List: All the customers registered from the front-end will be listed in the user list.
Profile: Admin can view the customer’s profile by clicking Profile button.
Delete: Admin can delete any customer if he/she wants to.
7. Page Setup
In the page setup admin can set the pages for the site. First six pages are fixed. Admin can create new page by
clicking on the Create Page button.
7.1 Create Page
Create new HTML Page
To create a new page admin has to provide Page Title , Permalink (a permanent static hyperlink to the web page).
Admin can also customize section for the page content from here using Let’s Start to Create Your Page button.
Admin can create as many columns as he wants by clicking on this button. Admin can also select the size of the
column, and content type from the dropdown menu list. For example,
➔ Admin can create four columns of one-fourth size in a row.
➔ Admin can create three columns of one-third size in a row.
➔ Admin can create two columns of half size in a row.
Edit/Delete: Admin can edit/delete any page except the Fixed Pages.
Publish/Unpublish: Admin can publish/publish pages that has been created by admin.
Preview: Admin can Preview all the pages.
Page Setup: For fixed pages admin can change the page settings.
8. Business Settings Section
In this section admin can change the business settings of the admin panel.
8.1 Activation & FAQs
PayPal Payment: If the admin want to provide the customers PayPal payment system, he can switch it on. If it is
made off, customers will not see the PayPal button on the cart checkout.
Stripe Payment: If the admin want to provide the customers with the Stripe payment system, he can switch it on. If
it is made off, customers will not see the Stripe button on the cart checkout.
Currency: If the admin want to provide the customers Cash payment system, he can switch it on. If it is made off,
customers will not see the Stripe button on the cart checkout.
FAQs: The Admin can provide a list of frequently asked questions and answers. This list will be viewed on the cart
checkout page.
8.2 Manage Payment Method and Shipment
Payment Methods Settings
➔ In the PayPal settings admin provides PayPal Email (Payment Receiver) and the PayPal Account Type from
the dropdown.
➔ In the Stripe settings admin provides Stripe Secret Key and Stripe Publisher Key.
Shipment Settings
➔ The Admin will provide the way of calculating shipping cos t. It can be fixed for every purchase or it can be
product wise . If it is fixed, the Admin shall provide with the fixed amount.
➔ The Admin will provide the shipment related information , which will be viewed to the customers when they’ll
browse the product page.
8.3 Vendor and Currency Settings
Vendor Settings
➔ In the PayPal settings admin provides PayPal Email (Payment Receiver) and the PayPal Account Type from
the dropdown.
Default Currency Settings
➔ The Admin can provide the default Currency Name of the system.
➔ Admin can also provide the exchange rate of the currency with US Dollar
9. Site Settings
9.1 General Settings
➔ Admin can set the System Name which is usually company name, System Email , System Title (for both
admin panel and front end) from here.
➔ Homepage Cache time: Homepage caching can improve performance by using less resources to load
homepages . Admin can set the Homepage Cache Time (in Minutes) from here.
➔ Downloadable Product Folder Name: For Digital product admin can set the folder name in which product
file will be stored after uploading.
➔ Language: In this section admin can see a number of languages in dropdown menu which are added from
Language section of the Admin panel . Admin can set a particular language for his system from here.
➔ Notification Sound: Admin can control notification sound and volume for both admin panel and homepage
from here.
Social Media Links
Admin can provide all social media links (Facebook, Google-plus, twitter, Skype, Pinterest, YouTube), which will be
used in the front site.
Contact page
Contact page is used to allow the visitors to contact the website owner or people who are responsible for the
maintenance of the site. Admin can provide Contact Address, phone number,email, website and a description about
the owner in the about us section.
Footer Settings
Admin can customize the information of the footer from here. He/she can give category list of the product with link
and footer text.
Terms and Condition: Admin can set the Terms and Condition here which will be displayed in the front-end.
Privacy Policy: Admin can set the Privacy Policy here which will be displayed in the front-end.
9.2 Third Party Settings
Captcha Setting: Admin Can provide Captcha Settings from here.
10 Front Settings
10.1 Display Settings
Theme Color: Admin can set theme color scheme for front-end from 16 different color sets in here .
Logo: Admin can set website logo from here as you need. After uploading a logo it will be saved in the All Logos
section as an album.
From Select Logo section admin can select admin logo and homepage (header and footer logo) separately by
clicking respectively on the Change button.
Favicon: Admin can select a favicon to change the defaults tab icon of the browser.
Fonts: Admin can set a front-end fonts from 10 different fonts in here.
Preloader: Preloaders are the custom-built indicators that inform the viewer that content has been loaded in his/her
browser. Admin can set any of the 30 preloaders as front-end preloader and also can change it’s color as well as it’s
background color .
10.2 Home Page
Admin can select a homepage theme from 2 different styles. After updating the homepage style Change Homepage
Items will be appeared according to the selected theme.
Change homepage items Section for Theme-1
Top Slider: Admin can On/Off Home page Slider and category menu slider from here.
Today’s Deal: Admin can provide number of products will be displayed in front end Today’s Deal section from here.
Home Banners: Admin can change a particular banner’s image, provide links.
Search Section: Admin can change the Title and background image for this section from here.
Featured Products:
➔ Admin can Hide/ Show Featured products from here.
➔ Admin can give total number of products that will be displayed in the Featured product section of the front
➔ Admin can choose a product box style from the available three product boxes.
Vendor: Admin can show/hide vendors from here. He/she can provide title and background image for the vendors.
Admin can provide number of vendors will be displayed in front end Vendor section from here.
Category wise Product: Admin can select categories for the homepage.
Blogs: Admin can show/hide blogs for the homepage from here. He/she can provide title and background image for
the blog section. Admin can also provide number of latest blogs will be displayed in front end Blog Section from here.
Special Products: Admin can show/hide Special Products section for the homepage from here. Special Products
section will contain Latest product, Most Sold Products, Most Viewed Products.
Change homepage items Section for Theme-2
Top Slider: Admin can On/Off Home page Slider and category menu slider from here.
Home Banners: Admin can change a particular banner’s image, provide links.
Featured Products:
➔ Admin can Hide/ Show Featured products from here.
➔ Admin can give total number of products that will be displayed in the Featured product section of the front
➔ Admin can choose a product box style from the available three product boxes.
Today’s Deal: Admin can provide number of products will be displayed in front end Today’s Deal section from here.
Search Section: Admin can change the Title and background image for this section from here.
Category Wise Banners: Admin can control the categorywise promotional subcategory, banner and color for the
section from here. After giving a category name, admin will see the list of subcategories under the category from
which he can select four sub-category for promotional subcategory . Admin can create multiple section using Add
New button.
Category wise Product: Admin can select categories for the homepage.
Special Products: Admin can show/hide Special Products section for the homepage from here. Special Products
section will contain Latest product, Most Sold Products, Most Viewed Products.
Vendor: Admin can show/hide vendors from here. He/she can provide title and background image for the vendors.
Admin can provide number of vendors will be displayed in front end Vendor section from here.
11 Slider Settings
11.1 Layer Slider
Admin can On/Off Layer Slider from here using the switchery.
Create Slider: The Admin can create a slider from here. On clicking Create slider, he’ll get a list of slider template,
from where he’ll choose one to work with. After clicking on the choose button, he’ll get a form for creating the slider.
The Admin shall provide slider title and background image. The admin shall provide the texts to the appropriate fields
and images for the places fixed. Admin can see the preview by clicking ‘Enter Preview’ or can ‘Publish’ it.
Slider Serial: The Admin can set the sliders’ serial of appearance from here.
Slider List: In the ‘Slider List’, the admin will get the following controls for each slider:
● Edit : On edit, Admin will see the slide preview and all the images and texts added. He/she can change
text/image or, remove them. He/she can also change the background and title of the slide. Like create
product, Admin can both ‘Enter Preview’ or ‘Publish’ the slide.
● Delete : The Admin can delete the slide.
● Publish/unpublish: The Admin can publish/unpublish the slide.
11.2 Top Slider
Admin can On/Off Top Slider from here using the switchery.
Create Slider: The Admin can create a new slides from here. On clicking Create slider button , Add Slides window
will be appeared. Admin has to provide Slider Banner, Text, Button Text, Button Link .To save the changes click on
the Save button otherwise Cancel.
Slider List: Admin will get the list of created slides in a table. From here he/she can Edit/Delete the features of
12 Staffs
Admin can manage all his staffs those will have access to the admin panel.
12.1 All Staffs
Create Admin: The Admin can create other admin for the admin panel, who will be the staffs of his shop. The Admin
will provide the staff’s name, email etc. and also provide the Role the staff is going to accomplish as an admin. Role
means the set of permissions to make changes in the admin panel. After creating a new admin, he’ll get confirmation
email with an auto-generated password, which can be changed later.
Edit: The admin can Edit staff’s details except his/her email because email address is already registered.
Delete: Admin can delete all admins except the master admin.
12.2 Staff Permissions
Admin can manage Role (set of account permissions) for the staff.
Create Role: The Admin can create role by providing an admin’s name, description and switching on the permissions
that he wanted to give the particular admin. For example, an admin can set permission for ‘Product Managing Staff’
to change products and brands. If any staff is given this role, he’ll only see products and brand in his admin panel
nothing more.
Edit: The Admin can edit the created roles.
Delete : The Admin can delete the roles he things not needed. But, if any admin is already added to the role and it’s
deleted, it’ll make fatal errors.
13 Messaging
The Admin can send a newsletter from this section. He’ll see all the customers email address in the E-mails(users)
text box. He can remove an email address if he wants to. He’ll also get the list of subscribers’ email addresses from
which he can remove. He’ll provide the ‘from’ Email Address. Subject of the newsletter and the HTML of the
newsletter in the SummerNote Editor will be given. For providing raw html code to the newsletter, the Admin can go to
the code view of the editor and then paste the code there. The Admin shall get confirmation once the newsletter is
Contact Messages:
The Admin can read and reply the messages sent from the home contact page. The Admin will see a list of latest
messages. The reply will sent as an email to the message sender.
14 SEO
SEO Settings: Admin can input Meta tag, Meta content, Meta Description, Revisit After & keywords from here. The
Sitemap link for SEO is here. Admin can get the sitemap form this link.
Social Network Reach: Admin will get to have a look on how the website is shared and interacted in the most
popular social media (i.e. Facebook, Google Plus etc.).
Alexa Traffic Rank: Admin can see global and country specific Alexa Traffic Rank here.
Alexa Traffic Graphs: Admin can see Daily Traffic Trends, clients’ Time on Site, Bounce Rate etc. in Alexa graphs
Search Index: You’ll have a look over Google Web search Index, backlink numbers and other graphs here.
15 Language
Add language: Admin can add multiple language for the system. Once he added a new language, he has to put all
the translations of the word to that language on the table.
Add Word: If needed, the admin can add new word. Once he added a new word, he’ll have to provide translations of
the word of all the languages separately from the list.
Select Language: On the dropdown the Admin will see all the added languages. On his selection from the dropdown,
the list will be changed to that language’s word list with translation.
Delete Language : Once a language is selected, the admin can delete that language.
Save Translation: The Admin, from the list, will get an input box and a save button for each word. The admin shall
give the translation of the word on the input box and press save button. This will save the translation of that word
Delete: This is important! If the Admin delete a word from any list, it’ll be deleted from every list, so it is better not to
use this delete.
16 Manage Admin Profile
Admin can manage his profile details from here. Admin can change the details of his own profile and can change the

Product engineering- Clone Script

Transforming an idea into implementation requires understanding, skill, understanding and dedication of the domain. We offer personalized engineering solutions for your requirements. See how we can add value to your business to realize your idea.

  • Concepts

    We are working on proof of concept (POC), sustainable minimal product (MVP), prototypes by assessing the size of the market and segment, target group, growth potential, etc. to verify your idea.

  • Analysis

    Regardless of what you will need to view and predict the idea of ​​Clone Script, our team of business analysts will work on wire frames, SRS, SOW, diagrams, etc. to analyze and visualize visions.

  • Design

    We will use typical required functions along with the user interface and user experience that can engage target audiences. The cloning project on clone script can be the same as on one of the script pages with review reviews or it can be completely different and unique.

  • Development

    The development will comply with the cloning requirements for a custom clone script. We have a Center of Excellence (CoE) to meet your requirements thanks to agile development methodology and DevOps in implementing the solution.

  • Quality control

    To ensure product performance, we run unit tests, integration and regression tests that complement your mission. In addition, we also provide speed tests, security checks, load checks, pressure checks, and server load balancing as required.

  • Product Launch

    We assist in the implementation of the server to help you live. You can also host the catalog with us. The server may be near your location or target market from which you expect traffic.


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